Well, here we are! The end of another year! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling like this year went by REALLY fast. But I digest; I feel the need to reflect a wee bit on the past year. Don't worry, I'm not going to go philosophical and gushy on you! I'm in this for entertainment value dontcha know?
When was my last post? August? Holy crap. So what can I reflect on from that point (just to get you up to speed, right??)...OH! Remember that time I made it to the finals of the CCC Idol? I won. The whole shebang. I has a righteous trophy. And it's awesome. Because I won. AND I work with/know some of the best people because I had a great support system there to cheer me on! My department was there, all of my husband's coworkers (oh yeah, I got married too!) were there, another department came by after their team building session (they were half cut by this point, of course!) and last but certainly not least, my mom made the trip from BC with my little sister to see it too! So fun. So I'm a super champ, woot!
We finally got the wedding over and done with! And it was FAAAABULOUS but I'm so glad it's over! We had such a fantastic time with our families (and a couple friends) and everything went pretty smoothly! People keep asking me if anything has changed since then, and to be honest, nothing has. At all. Except my name. But really? We've lived together forever. It's not like we're coming in to this blind, right? Silliness. On the plus side, we looked GREAT.
See? What'd I tell you?
Hmmm what else? Now it's Christmas! WOOT! So fun. We're spending our very first Christmas at home! Exciting! However, I have had a couple issues. Actually, I've only had one, and her name is Lily.
So, I love my cat. Very much. She's likely the only child I'll ever have (because I don't like slobbery children, but cats are fantastic) so I spoil her ROTTEN. But she's discovered the joys of a Christmas tree. This is the first Christmas tree that Cody and I have had together, and it's a 6.5 foot fake tree, pre-lit and super pretty and I love it. Unfortunately, so does Lily. I made the stupid mistake of buying jingle bell ornaments. Three guesses who loves them most? Frick. So she bats around at the tree and overall enjoys it quite a bit.
So anyways, every day when I come home from work, I see that there are branches bent out of shape. I've been thinking that she's just batting and pulling on the branches...turns out I'm wrong. She has discovered that she is a cat and can climb trees. So she has been IN my tree. At least 4 feet up, half the time. It's almost amazing.
Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I caught her doing this on a Saturday morning; I heard an abnormal volume of rustling, so I decided to investigate...and then I was so shocked that my first logical reaction was to take a picture. Priorities, right? I had to show everyone what my cat was doing. Blast her. AND I broke my foot. How, you ask? Well, it is a rather unbelievable story. But I swear that it's true! We had our company Christmas party a couple of weeks ago, and I was dancing on the dance floor. Apparently, we invited David Beckam to our party, and he decided to practice his soccer punt as a dance move. You know what, man? Keep it on the field. Truth is, I have no idea who kicked me in mid-dance. But it happened. I swear! I was kicked in the foot and they broke my...dorsal metatarsal or something like that...MY FOOT IS BROKEN. And I can't even guilt someone into bringing me coffee every day because I don't know who did it. I suppose I could still guilt people...but I don't think that people necessarily care that much :P And I'm stubborn and don't let people do much for me half the time. Ah, the foolish stubbornness of youth...
Well, another year has drawn to a close, and here we are at the end of it all. But thank goodness for the holidays; it gives us a chance to slow down (hopefully!), enjoy some festivities and enjoy the time that we have with our friends and families. Granted, the gifts are FANTASTIC too, but I think that we need this time to rest, recharge and enjoy the time spent with your family and friends.
On that note, I bid you adieu for now. I leave you with a song...that has nothing to do with Christmas...but sure has a lot to do with how I broke my foot. Apparently, some people just shuffle too hard.