"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~ Maya Angelou

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Playoffs!

Welp, it's that time of year again.

Stanley Cup Playoffs. SQUEEEE!

If you don't know me already, I really like hockey. Like...REALLY like it. I don't watch much for televised sports, but I LIVE for hockey. Now, those of you who perhaps read from last season (which I think is probably only Melissa...LOVE YOUR FACE!); know that I'm also a die-hard Canucks fan. I know, I know, "what are you doing being a Canucks fan in CALGARY?" I'm relatively sure that most of the city wants me dead. Or wants to see the Canucks resoundingly beaten. I'm pretty sure that most people would accept either alternative.

Anywho, I digress. Last night, was Game 1 against LA and they lost 4-2. BUT! I'm not upset! Which is unlike me, because I tend to take losses personally, but I didn't this time. They played a hard game, and LA is a great team this season...which is really weird to say, actually. I've gotta give credit where credit is due, right? So, although I know that everyone at work is going to take the mickey out of me because they lost, and I know that anytime I wear my jersey I'm going to be given a hard time, I'm okay with it. It's early in, they still have technically 3 more chances to win it. Last season, damn near every series went to seven games. So I'm prepared for a lengthy playoffs. And this time, I'm not missing out on being in Vancouver for the finals. No sir. I ain't scared of no riots. And besides, the City of Vancouver won't allow the games to be televised in the streets after last year. There's plenty of fabulous bars in Van that I frequent when I'm in town. I make things happen.

In other news, guess what day it is? That's right, THROWBACK THURSDAY! WOOOOOO!

I'm having a really hard time deciding what I want to do, because there's some fabulous songs out there from way back when. But there's also some groovy jams that are only a few years old that I'm just getting into NOW...I never really laid out rules as to how far of a throwback it had to be though. Nor did I specify that I could use only one.

SO. In the spirit of playoffs, and particularly Vancouver Canucks playoffs, I leave you with this little ditty. I don't know about anyone else, but this gives me goosebumps. I'm pretty sure I've posted this one before...but I'm not really sorry, because it's playoffs.

Secondly, I've been listening to The Dudes a lot lately and I'm so glad I have. These guys are a local Calgary rock band, and their singer, Dan Vacon, has the voice of a god. It's absolutely fantastic and great to listen to. They've also got a show coming up May 5th at Wyckham House. I'll be there, and you should be too. But for real, check out this awesome song!

You're welcome.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I've decided to coin a new phrase. Today shall now be known as:


As you recall from my previous posts, I will always leave you with a SOTD (Song Of The Day to those who are new readers). I have decided that when posting on a Thursday, I will pick an oldie, but a goodie. I actually got really excited about this this morning, so I really hope that you're as stoked as me.

In other news, I MOVED!

That's right, I packed up my bags and I headed out west...that's a lie. I'm still in Calgary. And technically, I moved EAST of my previous abode. Closer to downtown, a bigger place with a second bedroom (YAY!) and walking distance to everything groovy. I'm really stoked because I've turned the second bedroom into a studio! My piano is there and I've pilfered the bookcase, so I'm FINALLY able to have all of my sheet music books and such IN the house as opposed to in storage. However, I've discovered upon unpacking my storage bins that I have a lot more sheet music than I thought I did. I may need additional bookcases. I also have designs on picking up a drumset one day...I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!?!? How cool is THAT?

Admit it, I'm the coolest person you know. It's okay, you don't even have to say it. I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your smile...

Oh man. That's fun.

So, all in all, I don't really have a lot of interest to say today. I just really wanted to coin Throwback Thursdays and leave you with a kickass tune of sorts. But I could BS my way through something I'm sure. One of these days, when I get interesting enough to have more than one follower, I'll ask for a topic from the readers and write an entire essay on it. What could possibly be more entertaining than an essay on something completely random? Like pickles or something. I do love pickles.

Ooh! Sidebar; I live near the coolest stuff now. And I'm so pleased that I can walk to and from work, and I don't have to drive to visit friends, or worry about a DD after going to the bar. I live close to EVERYTHING. And an amazing deli. And an amazing diner. And amazing pizza. And a rad flower shop. From which I'm going to purchase a lemon tree and grow my own LEMONS. YEEEE! I really hope I don't kill it. I'm not much of a green thumb. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone from BC knows how to grow stuff.

Anywho, I digress. I shall now leave you with a tantalizing tidbit of throwback tuneage. Laugh, enjoy, sing like everyone's watching (because I like it better when people pay attention to me), and most of all, remember the good ol' days.

I almost feel bad about leaving you with that song. Perhaps I'll earn back what trust I lost with this instead. I'd give my right arm to see these guys live.


Monday, February 13, 2012

I specialize in oddities.

So I caved.

And I signed up for Twitter (don't laugh. I know where you are and I'll find you). I kind of don't regret this in the least.

I think it's actually really cool because you can follow artists and record labels and whatnot. Record labels are especially rad because they'll typically promote their newer bands and/or upcoming shows. It's a really excellent form of promotion! So now I'm a bit of a slave. But I accept that about myself. And the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

On the same note, I'm noticing that social media is playing a huge role in our society nowadays. I know, I know: "Mandee, how are you JUST noticing???". I'm not "just" noticing, I've been noticing it fairly regularly for a long time... Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people who spend their days on Facebook or myspace (do they even still have that??) or anything, I just feel like the art of conversation is slowly rotting away before us due to the insurgence of social media and lack of cell phone etiquette.

For example:

I have a little sister, she's 12-going-on-13-in-June, and she has a cell phone. Damn near everyone in her Grade 7 class has one. I repeat, Grade 7. I got my first cell phone on my 16th birthday, and none of my friends had one, so it was literally just for calling home when I was out and about. I completely agree with THIS. HOWEVER, I do not agree with 12 year olds having cell phones and texting all over the place, during school, or when they're at each other's houses. Kids aren't the only ones who are guilty of this; I see it at the bar all the time, too. You walk in, you see a table of 4+ but 3 of them are screwing around on their cell phones, texting, playing a game, checking their email, updating their Facebook status, or tweeting their lives away while the one guy who wants to have a conversation is sitting there resting his chin in his hand, drinking "alone". This makes me CRAZY. I understand if you're waiting on another person to show up and you need your phone available so you can tell the offending party where you are, but there's a point. Am I right? Sometimes I think so.

I don't really remember where I was going with that. So I'm almost disappointed in myself because I'm pretty sure I could have done better, but at the same time, I've been procrastinating finishing this post for about a month now. No joke. This is bad. My new year's resolution? To be a better blogger.

And now, I shall leave you with a new SOTD. I discovered this cat through Twitter, so Twitter has completely redeemed itself in my eyes. Except when people tweet every 22 seconds. That makes me crazy. I digress...

Now feast your ears on Dan Mangan's "Oh Fortune" and be at peace.