"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~ Maya Angelou

Monday, February 13, 2012

I specialize in oddities.

So I caved.

And I signed up for Twitter (don't laugh. I know where you are and I'll find you). I kind of don't regret this in the least.

I think it's actually really cool because you can follow artists and record labels and whatnot. Record labels are especially rad because they'll typically promote their newer bands and/or upcoming shows. It's a really excellent form of promotion! So now I'm a bit of a slave. But I accept that about myself. And the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

On the same note, I'm noticing that social media is playing a huge role in our society nowadays. I know, I know: "Mandee, how are you JUST noticing???". I'm not "just" noticing, I've been noticing it fairly regularly for a long time... Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people who spend their days on Facebook or myspace (do they even still have that??) or anything, I just feel like the art of conversation is slowly rotting away before us due to the insurgence of social media and lack of cell phone etiquette.

For example:

I have a little sister, she's 12-going-on-13-in-June, and she has a cell phone. Damn near everyone in her Grade 7 class has one. I repeat, Grade 7. I got my first cell phone on my 16th birthday, and none of my friends had one, so it was literally just for calling home when I was out and about. I completely agree with THIS. HOWEVER, I do not agree with 12 year olds having cell phones and texting all over the place, during school, or when they're at each other's houses. Kids aren't the only ones who are guilty of this; I see it at the bar all the time, too. You walk in, you see a table of 4+ but 3 of them are screwing around on their cell phones, texting, playing a game, checking their email, updating their Facebook status, or tweeting their lives away while the one guy who wants to have a conversation is sitting there resting his chin in his hand, drinking "alone". This makes me CRAZY. I understand if you're waiting on another person to show up and you need your phone available so you can tell the offending party where you are, but there's a point. Am I right? Sometimes I think so.

I don't really remember where I was going with that. So I'm almost disappointed in myself because I'm pretty sure I could have done better, but at the same time, I've been procrastinating finishing this post for about a month now. No joke. This is bad. My new year's resolution? To be a better blogger.

And now, I shall leave you with a new SOTD. I discovered this cat through Twitter, so Twitter has completely redeemed itself in my eyes. Except when people tweet every 22 seconds. That makes me crazy. I digress...

Now feast your ears on Dan Mangan's "Oh Fortune" and be at peace.

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