SO! I got a text the other night from a friend of mine (who was also the Artistic Director of Vocal Motion) and she had some interesting tidings to share! She is the Director and Founder of a music/musical theatre studio here in Calgary; they do private voice lessons, as well as group choreography and theatrical performances and from what I gather, the ages are between 7 and 16. Anywho, she is looking for private voice instructors for the plethora of kids looking for private instruction and she thought of me! So I've been offered a job teaching voice privately at her studio! I'm really excited. This is exactly what I want to do. I've been teaching here and there on my own, but it'll be fantastic coming into a studio with a well-established clientele, you know?
I'll still be working my "day job" as the kids are in school during the day, but I'm planning to teach two evenings a week, 4 or so lessons per night for 45 minutes per lesson. I'm really excited at the prospect of doing this and working with the kids. Not to mention the added bonus of getting paid to do it! There's really something special about sharing and teaching someone how to enjoy music and perform it to the best of their ability.
So yay me!
AND, I performed at the CCC Idol preliminaries on the 15th...and it was AWESOME. I feel like I did really well. I had some pretty dynamite support from some friends and coworkers, but I'm really hoping that I made it through to the Finals so that I can get MORE people out! It was a little nerve-wracking the first time up, and I know that I can do better than I did, but I still feel pretty good about it. I got to perform last, which was EXACTLY what I wanted, and I got the entire bar on their feet dancing, got a standing ovation (which is really not much of a change because they were ALREADY on their feet...but hey, I'll take what I can get!), and a big thank you from the band, and that probably felt best of all! From what everyone told me, the band was having a FANTASTIC time while I was on stage, so I'm hoping that I make it through. Cody gave me a hard time because I was initially a little bit disappointed in my performance because I messed up a couple of times due to nerves, but you're your own worst critic, right? If I make it to the finals, you get a rehearsal with the band though, and I think that would help. But we'll just have to wait and see!
I promise I'll update more and write more entertaining things! I have been sadly lax over the last while, I know...SO BAD. Anywho, I bid you adieu and I leave you with today's SOTD. I'm hoping that by using this as my SOTD this time around, it'll be seen as something of a premonition for my greatness to come...once I get my OWN cult following. But not in the creepy religious "drink the kool-aid" kind of way, but in the awesome, everyone-wants-to-hang-with-me kind of way. Just sayin'. NOW BE AMAZED!!!
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