I have been WRACKING my brain for days trying to think of something to write.
I didn't really think of anything.
So I'll just word vomit. Because I'm rad like that. And it's how I roll.
I went and saw Hawksley Workman again this week. I think I'm up to 6 or more of his shows in the last couple years...but I could be wrong. I've seen a few times though, ye ken? As some/most of you will already know, Hawksley Workman is my favorite artist of all time. He's put out 12 albums, no two of which have sounded the same. He's not a big, smashing radio star, but he's got a sort of cult following, with which I am pleased to be associated. We drank the kool-aid. And it was GOOD.
Anyways, I have a profound respect for Hawksley. He's been around for years, written a TON of great music and he's always been REAL. I've had the distinct pleasure of meeting him and talking to him on occasion (and no, I wasn't the girl who broke down and CRIED when I met him; I actually pretended I was with a paper or something so that I could get close enough to him and then I told him the truth. And he laughed. And he hugged me. It was rad.), and he's just a good person. He's so grateful for his fans and for the loyalty that those of us who have followed him for years have shown, and he's truly just in it to make great music and crowd-please. Anyone who's been to a Hawksley show can tell you with the utmost confidence that he just wants to have fun and entertain. He also has a most righteous sense of humor. Made me laugh so hard my face hurt by the end of the show. Every time, you'd think I'd be prepared for that by now! But noooo, I just don't learn...
I will tell anyone who'll listen (or read) how great this guy is. He's a truly phenomenal musician and his stage presence is unmatched by anyone I've seen as of yet. And I like to think that I've seen my fair share of shows in my lifetime! His live shows are fantastic! And I'll go again. And again. And again.
On that note, I leave you with today's SOTD. A fun little ditty called Your Beauty Must Be Rubbing Off from one of his older albums, (Last Night We Were) The Delicious Wolves. It's always been one of my favorite tracks. It's fabulous live, but I can't find a video that does it justice. So this will just have to do for now. Check out his website from my Awesome Rad Stuff tab and try and find a show near you! I promise you, it's SO worth it!
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